Thursday 21 June 2012

What is Five Forces Model?

Five Forces Model consist of five subject titles.
Potential Entrants, Buyers, Suppliers, Substitutes and the Rivalry among Existing Firms. 

Potential Entrants

This part of the model contains the threats of the new entrants. Our threats have been filter into four association or communities: PLKN, Salvation Army, Uniform, including SPILL which is a counselling website from United State of America. We will offer them our service and collaborate with these four association or communities. As what we have research, these associations did not have the online chat counselling service to counsel their students or members. And what we have found out that most of the problematic teenagers will rehabilitations when they join these types of associations as they got a chance to prove to others that they can follow instructions and are able to discipline themselves.


The bargaining power of buyers is the most important part of all. What we are focusing on is how to make our service more attractive to make the buyers willing to BUY. In terms of solving that problem, we must find out that who is the group which willing to pay or sponsor the fees of maintaining our online chat counselling system. As what our Amuse Group has been discussed last week, we have sort out five categories of the sponsors.

First is the parents group. Parents are mostly involved in the causing of the problematic teenagers too, so why don’t they sponsor to help these poor teens to get themselves out of these chaos situations? Since they are the first contact of every teenager and yet they as parents do not play their role well to lead their children to a better future, so why not let us instead to help them to assist their children on the right path?

Second, government should be focusing on these problematic teenagers since they are the future of the country. Government should help them to build up their own confidence and assist them on their rehabilitation. In return, the society will grow to a better place which benefits to the government too.

Next, our group has been discussing on the School Counselling Association. They have play their role as a counselor in studying but why not they help those who need helps too? Moreover, this kind of association can have the nearest contact to the students. They can help the problematic teens once they found out their abnormal behavior and counsel them to find the right way in their life.

Fourth, teenager themselves are the main focus target of our project. They are our final target consumer. Although teenagers is the group that will used our system, but the sponsorship are mainly from parents or associations.


The threats of substitute product or services we found out are smart phone devices and email counselling. These two threats are mainly based on electronic devices to bring out the actions. These devices are consider threats to our online chat counselling system as they can contact by email, short messaging system (SMS), multimedia messaging system (MMS). These threats have not been promoted in Malaysia before and we believe that it will threaten our system once it has been out in the public.


Bargaining power of suppliers is one of the five forces that we need to consider on who will supplies material for our system. As what have been shown in the chart, book publishers are one of the suppliers that we have listed out. The technologies nowadays are becoming more high tech and we believe that book publishers can supplies us the related books in either technologically (E-Books) or materially (brochures, books, flyers). 

Other than that, medication supplies will be needed when certain teenagers are in serious case such as bad anger managing or depression. Therefore, the helps and sponsorship from the drug store will be needed as well.

Most importantly, the helps from the counselor themselves was most appreciated. They can either consult teenagers voluntarily or by payment. 

Rivalry among Existing Firms

Last but not least, the question of rivals. There are thousands of counselling firms in Malaysia and we will need to stand out among them. Here are some examples of the counselling firms:

  • Malaysia Mental Health Association
  • Befrienders
  • School Counselling Department
  • Prisons
  • Newspaper (Based On Letter)
  • Psychiatrists
  • Home For The Mentally Disturbed A.K.A. Tanjung Rambutan 

We can be either rivals or we can collaborate each other in a good way. For example, prisons will need our help on conducting those criminals and lead them into the right pathway. Some of the counselor might not want to consult them face-to-face as they were fear with them. Therefore, we suggest that we can counsel them by using online chat counselling to conduct them. Moreover, they will feel better not to face the counselor face-to-face when consulting process as they wanted to keep the privacy of their own secret. They might not want others to know their identity whenever they wanted to tells a secret or a problem. 

And with that, this is the end of our explanations of Five Forces Model for Amuse Group. For more information, please do visit our webpage and Facebook page.

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