Thursday 14 June 2012


Continue from last week post.....

Let’s revise on the key words:

Online system
Professional counselor
Parents & Youth
Expressing Feelings
Struggle and more...


Through the keywords above, we have come out with a Segmentation based on our project. 

What we are aiming is to build up a counseling chat room with the help of online system nowadays. We used through the channel of internet nowadays, 3G, broadband, dialup and wi-fi are few examples that you can found on mostly everyone in either their phones, tablets, or even computers. We have chosen our two main customer segments which is youth and parents.

Let’s just focus first on one of the customer segments, Youth.

Based on the chart above, you can see that the relationship of youth and parents are unbreakable. No matter on the family relationship or the DNA related, it will always be stick together. What we wanted to show out in the customer relationship segment is that we can use the online chat counseling system to relate those two segments. Parents are always the lead for their children. The idiom “Monkey see Monkey do!” did state out the fact in this point.

Therefore, we will build up an online system by the help of key partners from either volunteer technical engineer or technology schools technical engineer. It will be next affect on the key resources segment where we will need to hire programmer to build up the system, which after the system build up, we will need to hire professional counselor or recruit volunteer counselor as our chat counseling helper. By that, we’ll need to get our finance balanced up in order to run this system to operate this online chat counseling project.

For the cost structure of our team, we will need to build up our system which need a lot of technically based. We also need to hire professional counselor for handling the service part.

As stated in the revenue stream, our funds will be gathering by the help of sponsor and donation. 70% is sponsor based and 30% is donor-based is what we will do in our finance that we will come out the financial solutions in no time. Other than that, charity and pay per message click advertisement is two of the solutions we get that will help in our funding.

Next week we will discuss more on the next customer segmentation, Parents. As what our slogan “Build a Brighter Future for Youth” shows, the future of youth can be only better with the help start with youth’s 1st exposure to the population, the influences of parents. 

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