Tuesday 19 June 2012

P.E.S.T.E.L. Diagram

The PESTEL diagram is based on one solution which is the 

Online Chat Counselling. 

Let's start with Politics. Politics is one of the way how the Online Chat Counselling works. With the support from schools, we are indirectly getting supports from the government where funds and money will come in with the support from the government.

Secondly, Economics, this is to create job opportunity for the people who want to participate and take part in this Online Chat Counselling. With the job opportunity, we can either hire professional counselor or counselors who are willing to help these younger generations in going through their miserable lives.

Coming to the third part, Sociodemographic. This involves the teenagers who are in need. We are targeting the teenagers who are already our subject of matter. As we mentioned, "Building A Brighter Future For Youths".

And next, we are using technology as our communication tool. For some of the teenagers, the feel shy confronting counselors and they might be afraid that they are considered as having a 'mental problem' when they do see counselors. So, they can secretly express themselves via technology without letting anyone else know about it. Using communication tools like Facebook, Twitter, Skype or other online services can help us provide this Online Chat Counselling programme more.

Environment does not really matter much in our subject matter, as suggested by Mr. Stephan Ong, we leave it aside.

Legal based, as for Online Chat Counselling, we do not need much of a legal authorization, all we need to do is just for teenagers or youth to sign up and to simply to "tick" the agreement that we would not be held responsible for any actions taken by the youths. That is all for our PESTEL diagram.

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