Thursday 14 June 2012

2nd Refinement of the Maslow’s Hierarchy

From the chart below, the left side of the pyramid has represent the categories of the problems and the right side of the pyramid represent the solution we provided based on the form of programs or solutions.

The hierarchy has been change where only one main solution we will focus based on our topic, Online Chat Counseling. As what we have discuss on our previous post, we discuss about the main problem that teenagers are facing and we found out that four out of eight of the levels are mainly the problems that faced by teens.

1) Safety and Security
2) Belonginess
3) Self-esteem 
4) Cognitive

The section that we highlighted out based on the chart below is the part that our teenagers’ problems are mainly focused on.

Safety and security, a word to explain is feeling. What teens needs is the feeling of safe and secure from family. The lack of this element will cause teens to feel that they don’t belong to any of the part of society.

Belonginess, the next element that will be affected. To show that they do belong to the society, we must help the problematic teens to get their self-esteem pump up as to let them feel that they are worth to belonging.

Self-esteem is the hardest part to be solved. This is because self-esteem is based on the feelings and characteristics of the teens themselves. What we can help is to cure them from the insides, which mean their thoughts and attitude towards life and more.

We also can provide a chance to let them prove themselves to the public that they are to be respected and belongingness. For an example, a working chance might help them to prove to others that “I am needed!” And this is what cognitive mean in the hierarchy above.

To conclude all that into one solution, we choose Online Chat Counseling. Let’s make a brief explanation on this solution into few keywords.

Online system
Professional counselor
Parents & Youth
Expressing Feelings
Struggle and more...

We stop until here for this week's post. To know more about the explanation of the keywords of our Online Chat Counseling System, please be sure to look out for our next post on next week. 

Progression Photos

Chin Siew Chee & Goay Shinro
- C
oncentrating on the lecture....
Leader, Cheah Soon Yang &
committee member Ang Mei Chee
was having discussion on the hierarchy.

Committee member, Goay Shinro was
searching for more references while discussion.

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