Tuesday 24 July 2012

X-Factor Test for Venture Capital Investor

There are eight factors we need to consider in the end of this project, and when all these factors were overcome and solve, we are ready in our business plan. 

1. Quality of Management

  • Key partner
  • Social media experiences
  • Sponsors
  • Finance
2. Size of Market

  • This factor is to show that are the amount of target market we will have based on our project.
  • Percentage of college students population 
    • Malaysia 29%
    • Philippines 29%
    • Thailand 41%
    • Singapore 46%
    • Japan 41%
3. Product Qualities (Uniqueness, Brands, Patterns)

  • Please refer to our “Uniqueness and Value Diagram” for further information.
4. Intensity of Competition

  • Befirenders
5. Market Growth Rate
6. Barriers to Entry

  • Social media platform Android-based
    • The platform that we have created has successfully blocked the new entries of the market to involve in to our market as we created a new service in Malaysia which is Online Chat Counseling. 
7. Company’s Stage of Development

  • We are in the feasibility stage. 
    • Feasibility = capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible: a feasible plan.
8. Industry Where Company Is

  • Our service is located in the Health Care Industry

  • Healthcare began as a purely reactionary, medicinal practice, in which people learned the medicinal properties of plants through trial and error, and then passed on that knowledge to others. 
    • The current industry leaders by revenue in the product segment of the industry are Merck and Co., Johnson & Johnson and Bristol-Myers Squibb.
    • The United States’ healthcare system is the largest in the world, worth around $1.7 trillion, as compared to $700 billion in Europe.
    • In the United States, around 76 percent of establishments are practitioners' offices, from dentist to doctor to optometrist. Hospitals make up approximately two percent of establishments, but account for around 59 percent of revenues earned.

Overall Cost Structure

Above is the cost structure that we have calculated. Further explanation will be shown in our video. Looking forward for our video! :) 

Problematic Teens’ Elephants

There are few problematic teens’ elephants that affect the buyer segmentation in our project. We will set our target into six characteristics that can be found within them.

So what is the first thought of yours when you found out that a person owns the above characteristics? Let us explain why we choose to use such keywords to represent the problematic teens. 

Smoker, what obviously has stated smoker group can be said is either been practice to smoke when young or influences by others including family members. Not to said that all smokers are consider problematic teen but what we wanted to point out that this practice will lead us more to the group of problematic teens. And clearly seen is smoking is not a good habit!

Second, golden hair is one of their outlooks when we have the 1st impression of problematic teens. But nowadays golden hair no longer the symbolic of problematic teens, it also symbolize trendy look. But none the less this characteristic will lead us to our third point, tattoo gangster. Tattoo is obviously a symbol of rebel while added in the gangster characteristics. And what if we added in the foul behavior into teens that match above characteristics? Bad behavior, bad habit, bad attitude, bad in a way they were which shown most of the problematic teens’ elephant to us. Normally we will found them in snooker center, or even in a club. These are the places that drag an angel to the hell with all these seduction.

Where do you mainly found them?

On the right side of the diagram...............
which is clearly stated that most of the problematic teens that fits the above elephants can be found easily at the places we mention above in the diagram.

What we have stated above are just our opinion based on our project for study purpose. We apologies if there were any misuse of content. 

Uniqueness and Value

This diagram is to test the uniqueness and value of the competitors with our team.

High in uniqueness, High in value

First, our team Amuse is clearly a unique way to conduct a counseling which we create this service where in Malaysia there are still none strategies to get into the counseling market. Therefore we consider high in uniqueness and high in value.  

One of our competitors is Befrienders that locate in the same rank with us. Their service is maily conducted by email, telephone and letter but they haven’t strike into the online counseling market yet. 

High in uniqueness, Low in value

As shown on the diagram above, Home for Mentally Disturbed and Malaysia Mental Health Association are listed in. These two groups have the same characteristics which their services are unique but not showing out the value in an obvious way. 

Low in uniqueness, Low in value

Rehabilitations, School Counseling, Psychiatrists and Letter-based Counseling in Newspaper are the groups that stay in the rank of low in uniqueness and not much value to be shown in their services.  

The 6’s P Diagram


In Team Amuse, we are using the FOC (Free of Charges) based were 70% of our funds will be sponsors by others companies. There are three more competitor that we listed out in the diagram is to show the possibilities threats that the competitors bring to us and we analyze for further development. Out of the three competitors, the most common way to get counseling is from the School Counseling. But fortunately, the school counseling is the same charges with our team which is FOC where their funds are mainly sponsored by PIBG, Teachers and Parents Association.

Other than that, looking for the help of psychiatrist is one of the common way too but it may cost you a higher charges as they were giving professional therapy for their patients. The cost is in between Malaysia Ringgit 100 to 300 and the charges of therapy are mainly counted based on time. For the uncommon way to get counseling, we found that serious-ill patients are to be found in the Home for Mentally Disturbed which we always mention as “Tanjung Rambutan” among Malaysian’s terms. Their charges are FOC too because they are mainly supported by the government.


Online Chat Counseling is the service that we provided to the public as we will use the help of Internet and conduct the counseling on an immediate response chat room.  We choose to create this service is to show the seriousness of the problematic teens nowadays. We have calculated that approximately 7 million of teens are needed to be counseling and yet to be increase if we didn’t pay attention to this phenomena now.
School Counseling and Home for Mentally Disturbed was using the face-to-face method to counsel their patients whereas psychiatrist is multi-function counseling which consists of face-to-face or by email.


Team Amuse will bring their service to the public by the based on Internet where obviously their promotions are to be send by internet too. The promotion for the other three competitors, School Counseling and Psychiatrist are mainly based on promotional advertising items such as flyer and newspaper. Home for Mentally Disturbed which what we discuss that normally people won’t pay much attention on it where only serious-ill patients will be send in there for further therapy.


Our service are based on internet, in conclude the best place to use our service is mainly in website. For school counseling, it is clearly shown that their services will be conduct in school whereas psychiatrist will conduct their services in the counseling center in either private, semi-government or fully-government based medical center. Last, home for mentally disturbed only will be found at psychiatric nursing home as their patients might need to quarantine from ordinary people.

Philanthropy & People

Amuse’s service brought to you by 100 volunteers in the same time where you problems will not be “hold on for a second”! Our target is focusing on teenagers in between 12 to 21 years old. As what we mentioned above, our target market has more than seven billion teens in the world.
School counseling will mainly held charity campaign for counseling to help those needed but their target group are mainly focused to students. For the counseling case that needed more help from the professionals, Psychiatrist is the common choice for any group of people to seek therapy where their patients are mostly slightly-ill and slightly mentally disturbed in mainly their emotion. The uncommon way and we thinks that no one are willing to seek help from this competitor, Home for Mentally Disturbed will be the last choice for serious-ill and mentally disturbed patients that will take a longer time for medical treatment.

Who we are? We are Amuse!

Our mission is to build a brighter future for youths.

So now we are in the promise stage that we will show the audiences that we will fulfill the above promises with our passion in helping those problematic teens.

We ensure that with the help from Amuse, problematic teens will be:

Live on the Brighter Side of Life which is obviously to Make a Smarter Choice while Your Future Await. The Guideline For Future was Don’t take a wrong path and always remember that We Are Loving You so Step Up and Think Positive and that will help Your Dream Become Reality in the Direction we guide you which all these will be not be an end when you are facing the problem. It’s just a beginning and all these, is what we promise to give you!