Tuesday 24 July 2012

Problematic Teens’ Elephants

There are few problematic teens’ elephants that affect the buyer segmentation in our project. We will set our target into six characteristics that can be found within them.

So what is the first thought of yours when you found out that a person owns the above characteristics? Let us explain why we choose to use such keywords to represent the problematic teens. 

Smoker, what obviously has stated smoker group can be said is either been practice to smoke when young or influences by others including family members. Not to said that all smokers are consider problematic teen but what we wanted to point out that this practice will lead us more to the group of problematic teens. And clearly seen is smoking is not a good habit!

Second, golden hair is one of their outlooks when we have the 1st impression of problematic teens. But nowadays golden hair no longer the symbolic of problematic teens, it also symbolize trendy look. But none the less this characteristic will lead us to our third point, tattoo gangster. Tattoo is obviously a symbol of rebel while added in the gangster characteristics. And what if we added in the foul behavior into teens that match above characteristics? Bad behavior, bad habit, bad attitude, bad in a way they were which shown most of the problematic teens’ elephant to us. Normally we will found them in snooker center, or even in a club. These are the places that drag an angel to the hell with all these seduction.

Where do you mainly found them?

On the right side of the diagram...............
which is clearly stated that most of the problematic teens that fits the above elephants can be found easily at the places we mention above in the diagram.

What we have stated above are just our opinion based on our project for study purpose. We apologies if there were any misuse of content. 

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