Tuesday 24 July 2012

X-Factor Test for Venture Capital Investor

There are eight factors we need to consider in the end of this project, and when all these factors were overcome and solve, we are ready in our business plan. 

1. Quality of Management

  • Key partner
  • Social media experiences
  • Sponsors
  • Finance
2. Size of Market

  • This factor is to show that are the amount of target market we will have based on our project.
  • Percentage of college students population 
    • Malaysia 29%
    • Philippines 29%
    • Thailand 41%
    • Singapore 46%
    • Japan 41%
3. Product Qualities (Uniqueness, Brands, Patterns)

  • Please refer to our “Uniqueness and Value Diagram” for further information.
4. Intensity of Competition

  • Befirenders
5. Market Growth Rate
6. Barriers to Entry

  • Social media platform Android-based
    • The platform that we have created has successfully blocked the new entries of the market to involve in to our market as we created a new service in Malaysia which is Online Chat Counseling. 
7. Company’s Stage of Development

  • We are in the feasibility stage. 
    • Feasibility = capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible: a feasible plan.
8. Industry Where Company Is

  • Our service is located in the Health Care Industry

  • Healthcare began as a purely reactionary, medicinal practice, in which people learned the medicinal properties of plants through trial and error, and then passed on that knowledge to others. 
    • The current industry leaders by revenue in the product segment of the industry are Merck and Co., Johnson & Johnson and Bristol-Myers Squibb.
    • The United States’ healthcare system is the largest in the world, worth around $1.7 trillion, as compared to $700 billion in Europe.
    • In the United States, around 76 percent of establishments are practitioners' offices, from dentist to doctor to optometrist. Hospitals make up approximately two percent of establishments, but account for around 59 percent of revenues earned.

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